Located on traditional Ojibwe lands, Greater Sudbury has the third largest Francophone population in Canada (outside of Quebec), and is home to people of many different ethnic backgrounds.

With large populations of residents of Italian, Finnish, Polish, Chinese, Greek and Ukrainian ancestry, we are proud to be one of the most diverse, multilingual and multicultural communities in Canada.

Out-migration, low immigration rates, rising life expectancy and declining fertility rates have highlighted the continued need for a strong population growth focus.
In Greater Sudbury, it is estimated that adding 500 new immigrants to our workforce earning just average incomes would generate 41 million in new spending:

Healthy immigration rates can help to fill demand for occupations such as crane operators, drillers and blasters, physicians, dentists and veterinarians, which are projected to increase by 3-4% every year by 2026.
36,000 people in Greater Sudbury are estimated to retire from the workforce in the next 15 years, but only 25,000 people will be available to replace them.

Immigrants in Greater Sudbury contribute a higher stock of collective skills, knowledge, and abilities compared to Canada as a whole. This has positive effects on economic growth.

In 2016, 165 different ethnic origins made up the Greater Sudbury community.

Almost 1 in 5 people in Greater Sudbury were either born or their parents were born outside of Canada.
Through diversity, our community can continue to draw on a larger range of skills and experiences to help solve issues.
In Greater Sudbury, we celebrate our cultural diversity. Greater Together is an opportunity to celebrate the people of Sudbury that make our community a welcoming and friendly place to live. Our community has so much to offer, Greater Together serves to highlight the many incredible people and places of Greater Sudbury.